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The Power of Connection
“Each one of us is the custodian of the inner world we carry around with us”
―John O’Donohue
The greatest journeys almost always begin inside us. So do the greatest victories.
Deep down, beneath the surface, rooted and intertwined.
When I lived in Africa, all of life was connected and lived in community. Tech was scarce and everything existed in the moment. Those memories are almost otherworldly from where I live now in Florida.
It was there I learned what a connection to the land truly felt like. And I’ve been searching for it ever since I left over a decade ago.
It reminds me that our lives have storied geography that often shape the landscapes inside of us.
I keep returning to this metaphor. The rootlike underground network of mycelium that links the forest trees and floor to one another.
It is such a beautiful picture of connection.
I started out here on Substack wanting to help you be more creative by making time to nurture your creativity and do arty things. And The Wonder Habit® is indeed about that. It’s just also about… So. Much. More.
It’s become a primer on what it means to be more fully alive and beautifully human in an age when AI is on the rise and technology entangles almost every part of our lives.
To find the wild quiet within when the world feels noisier than ever.
To carve out a space to breathe, be, and become.
To live bright and curious lives that help us become more connected to ourselves, one another and the world around us in a season overrun with rampant disconnection.
To embrace the beauty blooming at our feet in a time when we can be instantly accessible to anyone anywhere and fully present to no one at all.
Wonder is a way back to ourselves, out to one another, and forward to writing a future with a better story.
Curiosity is the threshold of wonder and leads us into Connection:
Each of our one-word wonder prompts for days 21-40 is related to exploring ideas related to Connection.
Our One-Word Wonder Prompts, Days 21-40
Remember, you can use these prompts to watercolor, paper craft, bake, write… what ever creative expression you care to explore. But, I specifically curated them to be particularly effective as creative journaling prompts.
That being said… there is NO way to get this wrong. Seriously. You cannot mess this up. Not possible.
Certain words may speak to you more than others. You do not have to spend the same amount of time on each, or even do all of them.
For our paid subscribers, you have a full extended prompt list you can find here at the end of this post. I’ve added a few fun surprises as well.
Let’s jump in! I can’t wait to see what you create. Remember, if you share your posts on Instagram, tag them with #100daysofwonder2025 so we can find one another.
21 | Weave
22 | Thread
23 | Bridge
24 | Link
25 | Bond
26 | Embrace
27 | Harmony
28 | Merge
29 | Unite
30 | Tie
31 | Touch
32 | Synergy
33 | Threadbare
34 | Interlace
35 | Rooted
36 | Knot
37 | Cord
38 | Fusion
39 | Affinity
40 | Reach
As always, thank you so much for spending time and being here. This wouldn’t be the same without you.