100 Days of Wonder is Back for 2025!
🗓️ Save the Date: Our group 100 Day Project starts Feb 22, 2025.
🎉 Are You Ready for Round 2?
Well, I am stoked. We are doing 100 Days of Wonder again this year!
2024 was incredible. Thousands of pieces of creative work were inspired by our 100 one-word wonder prompts. I was building and figuring it out as we went, so we had some hot glue drips and occasional rough edges showing.
But it is one of the most amazing things I have ever been privileged to be a part of. Such. An. Honor.
Some of you painted. Others sketched and collaged. Others took photos and wrote poetry. It was like releasing this remarkable wave of beauty into the world.
And this year, leaning into wonder… well, it's more vital than ever.
I mean, have you checked your newsfeed? 🫣 Right. No, you don't have to. It's a lot. Actually more like… a lot, a lot.
One of the most critical things we can do in seasons like this is to cultivate space that is creative and kind and focused on things like wonder, beauty, goodness, and joy.
Wonder at its best is an intentional practice that grounds us in the good and the tiny ordinary moments flooded with light. It is a targeted way we can build resilience even in times that are dark or hard.
Wonder Helps Us Connect More Deeply In an Age of Chronic Disconnection
When I get truly frantic and stuck, it is usually because I'm in some way disconnected from myself. Wonder is a practice that helps me find my way back home.
The Wonder Habit ® is a framework to help us become more creative, feel less alone and find wonder every day. It is built on what I affectionately call our Wonder Wheel.
This year we are doing another set of 100 One-Word Wonder Prompts. You can use these prompts to watercolor, paper craft, bake, write, what ever creative expression you care to explore.
But, this time, I specifically curated them to be used as art journal prompts.
These 100 One-Word Wonder prompts are divided into the 5 categories from The Wonder Habit ®: Curiosity, Connection, Courage, Creativity, and Compassion… 20 prompts in each.
Given everything that is going on in the world right now, it's my hope that this journey can become a place to soak in strength and discover practical tools to take your creative growth even deeper. For all of us to tell ourselves a better story.
And to know you aren't alone.
Our PDF guide is dropping tomorrow night with all the details about how this works, so you can download it and keep it on hand.
It includes:
How the 100-Day Project in general got started. Spoiler, it has truly nerdy Yale beginnings.
What to expect and how to get the most from our journey.
Supplies and creative workarounds. Including how I personally am approaching this project. I haven't art journaled for years in any regular capacity, and I'm so excited to dive in with you as much as I can.
Our first 20 words having to do with Curiosity. (These will be sent out again on Feb. 22 in our kick-off email, but I thought you might like a sneak peek.)
How to integrate this seamlessly with our year-long challenge, Wake Up to Wonder if you’d like to do that.
Here’s what we are doing differently this year as a community:
This year, our One-Word Wonder Prompts will drop every 20 days as we journey our 5 categories on the wheel. That gives you flexibility in how and when you create.
This word set has been chosen because they make great art journaling prompts. Feel free to use them as simple painting prompts, but you may want to consider using them to explore through creative journaling.
For our paid subscribers, there will also be an optional, extended art journaling prompt that provides more structure. This section will be included in the second part of the email.
You’ll be hearing from me far more than every 20 days with thoughts and encouragement along the way.
Because so many of you have been appreciating the writing recently, I wanted to set up this challenge in a way that would accommodate me doing both.
There is NO way to get this wrong. Seriously. You cannot mess this up. Not possible.
Our group 100 Day Project starts on February 22, the same weekend as the global #100DayProject community.
Thank you for jumping in on this adventure. It is a joy to serve you and cheer you on.
Hop down into the comments to let us know you are joining in again!
You are so very loved.
Thanks for doing this again this year! Excited to be part of it!
Yes, looking forward to it!