I’ve noticed that on my daily walks, or when in the car I’m looking at the sky, the view, nature as I walk by and I’m identifying colour, Cerulean in the sky, Sap green in my bushes, raw and burnt umber in the sunset! I’m noticing and understanding composition and perspective in my photos for reference to paint later.

Your prompts and the varied interpretations from this amazingly creative group have taught me to think outside the box (even though the box is just as perfect!!) to paint things I never would have thought possible!

My humble thanks Michelle, to you and all the other creatives. I’ m so grateful I found this challenge at the beginning of my watercolour journey!!

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I've learned to use the good paper. Just like the good linens and the wedding china, I have no reason to wait. I deserve the pleasure of using my good paper. My little paintings are "good enough" to warrant the splurge.

Also, my watercolors have shifted in their relative importance in my life. I felt a little guilty for the amount of time I spent on something I thought others perceived as a bit of a folly. As I see growth and seek growth I have come to realize that for all sorts of private and complex reasons, this is no folly. This pursuit is one of the most important mental health measures I have ever committed to.

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This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!

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Thankyou so much for your wise words, particually the post about saying No, andnot feeling guilty ❤️

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I've noticed that my creativity comes in waves of activity, recharging, shifting focus, absorbing, planning, and back to activity again. It seems to be a long process, with about two or three weeks of activity, follows by mouths of inactivity, but really the inactive parts are times when I'm focused on other things, like gardening, reading an absorbing series, life events, during which I gain new inspiration for an active creativity wave. It's easy to see myself as inconsistent and kind of flaky, but really, the cycle itself is pretty consistent! And those other things are what make me able to be creative, so it's all valuable and worthwhile.

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

*months* not mouths, LOL

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

These 100 Days of Wonder have truly been wonder-filled. I am a true beginner in creating any kind of visual art. When I first read your promotional postings I figured this was way beyond me...but i was so inspired Michelle by your encouraging words and your insistence that anyone could join in, that I signed up just before the deadline. I purchased some of your supply suggestions and set up a corner in my office to create. When the first set of prompts arrived, I didn’t know quite where or how to begin. But with your gentle encouragement throughout the process, I ‘changed’ from someone who can’t draw, to someone that can sketch a hedgehog or a hydrangea; from someone who doesn’t know the first thing about watercolor, to someone who can actually paint recognizable landscapes, skies full of clouds, waves in the ocean. I have changed from someone who hasn’t a clue about art supplies to someone who loves the joy of discovering inks, acrylics, watercolor, pencils and more for the endless creativity they provide me now. I always thought my only creative talent was in my writing, but the 100 Days has awakened in me the confidence to create visually and to have fun doing it. And I can’t thank you enough for your inspiration, your imagination, and gifting us all with wonder! I recently signed on as a paid subscriber and I’m excited to see where else we grow together!

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Cynthia, I am so so excited to continue this journey! Thank you for this feedback!

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

Great metaphor. I get it. It is useful.

As my follow through to the 100 day commitment was a big flop. Day one, a lot of wind in my sail. By end of the week ... doldrums. Sailors know what that is. The wind disappears and you have nothing to power you along.

I learned a strategy must be made in advance for a working person with responsibilities to be ready to create and then defend artistic time when the weeds are doing their darndest to overtake your garden. Gardeners know, you gotta deal with weeds quickly before they get a stronghold and push everything away. Life pushes in and before I knew it, I wasnt even thinking about “me” time anymore. It was a faint blur in the background.

I didnt protect my space, time got away from me, duties encroached and then I felt so off course, I stopped.

But, thats okay. I got closer. And, Ive not given up. My interest is still there. Motivation comes and goes. But, thats okay too. Because I want to keep this in the “fun” category, not another responsibility.

So, this is creative isometrics time for me. Thanks for that analogy.

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I’ve noticed that the critic has quieted through this practice. I started out feeling like I didn’t have a “right” to join in because I don’t draw well or paint. All the daily prompts gave me enough structure to just keep going for it in my own way. So I did and I’ve enjoyed it so much. Such encouraging words and lovely community keep reminding me that there is a positive side to the internet :).

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I am looking forward to finding my own style. 100 practice pieces was such a learning tool.

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

Hi, I fell off during the challenge and made only 75 prompts. Do i feel guilty? Yes! But i recognize the guilt is different now, it is soft and encouraging in a,way, like "you can do it next time for sure"! Thank you Michell for this chance to see myself, to get stronger,to ger rid of my fear "to show myself"❤️❤️❤️

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I loved this challenge of 100 days. I'm a tad, one week, behind, but catching up. I hunt through past photos to find the prompts, or find a great tutorial. Some are complete busts, but enough are lovely enough to make me say, "oh, my! I painted that?!" and so I will keep going. The practice has improved my mental health. I will likely consider myself a beginner for a long time, but a beginner mindset will also keep me open to learning. And I've loved and been inspired by everyone's work

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May 27Liked by D. Michele Perry

I do the same - searching through years of photos looking for the right one (and hoping I can do it justice with my attempt to recreate it)

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I loved the 100 day challenge, as a beginning painter, many of the prompts were things I had never imagined painting. But I did and found that my inner critic is quieter now. It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect or looks like what I planned, all that matters is I did it. I am so enjoying painting and find it so relaxing. I am learning so much and have enjoyed the community so much. Thank you for the challenge and your continued encouragement. Looking forward to more challenges. Kim

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I have noticed all the layers of color around me and how the Creator made all of that for our pleasure. I find myself painting after dinner. It’s the wrap up for the day and I am really enjoying the slow down. I’m also learning that without shadow, paintings are flat.

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I needed something to cling to this year. I chose the word THRIVE for my ONE WORD practice this year. I am 64 and lost my Mom last year. It took close to a year before I felt like living again, the grief came over me in waves and at times that were unimaginable. So when I heard from a friend about your 100 days of wonder challenge I was so intrigued. It lit a spark in me and gave me something to hold onto to make myself accountable, to show up for. I have so enjoyed the process! I love reading your thoughts and encouraging words. I've learned a lot. I have so enjoyed seeing other people's art and am in awe of the creativity and imagination! I did not subscribe until last week. And I found myself holding onto these last few days and savoring them. Thank you for everything.

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May 26Liked by D. Michele Perry

I STILL notice inspiration & wonder around me. My $(%^&#%@#^%*%*(%&% phone won't cooperate for pics but my mind has them stored!

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May 27Liked by D. Michele Perry

I find myself wondering if I can paint the evening sky or a flower blooming in my garden, seeing the world around me through different eyes. I’ve tried to interpret the prompts a bit and not go with the obvious. When I signed up for this challenge I wasn’t sure I’d be able to follow through but I’ve been able to mostly do a painting every day! I can see improvement in my art and have even surprised myself with the results. Thank you Michelle for launching this, for your weekly updates and for making this community possible!

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Perfect metaphor Michele.

Thank you for all your encouragement.

We creatives need direction to find that balance between us and everything else.

Looking forward to a summer of carving out a window to continue this journey.


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