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I just found you today! I understand some of the loss you seen to have experienced. 10 years ago I had a "light" case of sepsis and lost most of my words. Almost everything I said included asking, "what's the word that means this and that?" It drive those around me nuts, but they had no idea what it was like inside my seemingly empty head.

After painting since I was 28, at 68, I didn't know how to paint, to plan out something. But, oddly, if I got out my paints and picked up a brush, out came roses! I still struggle a bit but considering my age, I'm not doing too bad, and I'm not caring about all of those rules that came with watercolors. I am using the white AND black on my palettes! Lol!

I have been getting out a lot of unused art supplies and using them and I'm actually working on a class that I had signed up for but tend to forget about! Yay!

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