Wake Up to Wonder: Let's Start at the Very Beginning
Some Basics to Help You Get Started
I know some of you are already leaping into this adventure. I also know some of you might want more guidance getting started.
This isn’t an art prompt-a-day kind of challenge. So what is it?
It’s taking a daily moment to recognize the things that capture our attention, the small, unassuming moments where wonder often gets overlooked.
It’s about learning to be wonder gatherers.
And that is going to look different for every one of us.
For some of you, a practice like this already feels like coming home. To others, it might feel like a brand-new, somewhat daunting universe.
Starting a new thing is a very brave decision. It takes time to build a new practice.
That’s why I’ll be showing up here to offer ideas and share behind the scenes.
If this already feels like home and you are on your way, these thoughts are not in any way prescriptive.
This is no one way you should approach this challenge.
When I share my posts, again, I’m not saying my way is the right way to travel this path.
There are as many ways to take this journey as there are journeyers.
But let’s dive into a few basics to help you get started. I’ve come up with three general approaches for beginning.
If you haven’t downloaded our free guide, it’s the place to start.
Aka the Freestyle Approach 🙋🏻♀️
Each day take a moment to notice something kind, good, lovely, beautiful, awe-inspiring that captures your attention… a light beam, the fragrance of your coffee, a pattern on your plate, a cardinal in the snow, a quote that inspired you. It does not need to be grand or complicated. The simpler the better.
Then, record it however works best for you. If you are joining me in creating inchies, paint or doodle or put a word down and tuck it away. Or add it to your canvas/notebook/larger piece of paper. All of this and so much more is in the guide above.
Think of finding wonder as a delightful scavenger hunt. You are actively looking for it.
Maybe it shows up in a frosted window pane. Or in a pot of soup on a cold day. (This Floridian clearly wants some more cold weather.)
Maybe it’s a color in someone's dress, a sunset, or the way a loved one laughs. Perhaps it’s a phrase on the radio. Or the way a light beam lands.
It could be a line in a book. A nuzzle from a pet. The kindness of a cashier. Literally, anything that lights you up and helps you feel brighter or at least helps you to have a glimmer that brighter exists.
If starting without a clear sense of structure is overwhelming, I get it. Having very clear boxes to look in, can be comforting.
One of the things that trains the wonder right out of us is having a definite sense of this is what I should be doing to be good or good enough.
There is no right way to show up here. You cannot get this wrong. We celebrate you and your journey whatever that looks like.
Some of you have been expressing a sense of not knowing how to begin as I talk with you in my messages over on Instagram.
And I GET it. So here’s an idea to help. Think of these like fabulous training wheels on the wonder bicycle, or maybe you just like this kind of structure. And that too filled with wonder.
Here’s the idea…
I’ve written down 12 words for the first 12 weeks. You do not need to use the same words in the same order. You don’t need to do this at all.
This is just an option.
Let’s say week 1 is JOY. Look for one simple thing each day all week long that gives you joy. That’s the thing you record each day.
Here are 12 words for 12 weeks. Use them in any order you like. Swap them out. Choose a weekly word in your language if English isn’t your heart language.
Joy, Cozy, Kind, Listen, Soft, Play, Peace, Light, Flow, Nest, Make, New
Now, I am completely fascinated. Picture me leaning over a piping hot cuppa Candy-Cane Lane tea wanting all the details. Because I so am.
If you are comfortable doing so, click the comment button and tell us whether you are starting out freestyling it, having a scavenger hunt, and/or trying themed weeks.
I can’t wait to share my 1st 3 days tomorrow here. This is such an honor to do this together.
Thank you for being here. For jumping into a year-long challenge with a stranger on the internet.
You are so brave.
All my love—
If you want more connection through monthly deep dives, our private Q/A podcast, monthly live Zoom check-in calls, and other fun perks. Or if you are just willing and able to support the work I do here, consider upgrading to becoming a paid subscriber. It helps me continue to make this as accessible as I can.
But there is literally no pressure- ever, just an open invitation.
First I’d like to say that I am so grateful that you are doing this Michele! 💕 I found you on Instagram and your art are exactly what I needed!!! Thank you so much!!
I’m starting out freestyle. If I feel stuck, I may use the word option. I love that it’s small as I feel that “I can do this” and I think that gratitude will help me shift to a place of peace in my soul.
Big hugs!! Kris💕
Hi Michele. I am freestyling it. My squares are 1.5" watercolour paper. This practice is so perfect because its quick and easy to accomplish and doesnt feel like a chore. I am loving it. Nice to hear from you today because I must admit I too was feeling a bit left out in the dark .