Haven’t done this before but freestyling at the moment into a sketchbook so I can see them all together. Thanks for the inspiration 😊

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First I’d like to say that I am so grateful that you are doing this Michele! 💕 I found you on Instagram and your art are exactly what I needed!!! Thank you so much!!

I’m starting out freestyle. If I feel stuck, I may use the word option. I love that it’s small as I feel that “I can do this” and I think that gratitude will help me shift to a place of peace in my soul.

Big hugs!! Kris💕

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Going freestyle, giving myself permission to play with different media in a tiny watercolour sketchbook as I record glimmer moments and notice beauty. Thanks for the ideas and encouragement! So glad I happened upon your Instagram account.💜

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I am so excited to be starting a new year of wonder with you! I participated in 100 days of wonder last year… slowed down a bit by a stroke I had on 3/4/24! Right now my left arm is in a sling….I have multiple fractures in my shoulder. Yet, through 2 weeks of pain, I have seen so much wonder and joy and things that I am thankful for! Since I’m late starting I’m going to sleep on my choices an decide tomorrow! I love JOY, SO I MAY start there. Hugs for doing this. More tomorrow Patty

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Freestyle for me with 2x2 inchies cuz I wear trifocals! Heehee. I'm waiting until the end of the day then spending a few moments of quiet reflection to see what floats to the surface from the day.

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I am so excited to be a part of this community and this practice of noticing wonder. I'm going to begin freestyling and see where it takes me!

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Thank you so much for all the beautiful work you put into your gorgeous PDF! I look forward to coming along on this journey.

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This wonder habit feels like cozying up by the fireplace with my best friend and a hot cup of tea. It is familiar and comforting, so I am freestyling it. I cut some "inchies" out of watercolor paper and tape them daily to the back of my office door.

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Doing freestyle, I know I can do this! I’ve just been feeling blocked. Your encouragement is a blessing! We all need a cheerleader in our life! Thank you!🙏

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Hi Michele. I am freestyling it. My squares are 1.5" watercolour paper. This practice is so perfect because its quick and easy to accomplish and doesnt feel like a chore. I am loving it. Nice to hear from you today because I must admit I too was feeling a bit left out in the dark .

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I choose a word to focus on every year and this year my word is WONDER. I was so excited that you popped into my Instagram which helped me choose this word. I will be going freestyle 1 x 1. They are cut and ready! I just drew a quick pic for the first 2 days but hope to use watercolor.

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I'm going to start with a mix of mostly Themed Weeks with some Freestyle sprinkled in! I'm not trying to stay with any one medium. Some days will be social media posts, some written or something artistic. Sometimes both!

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I am freestyling it on painted inchies! While walking the dogs, I often tried too find little details that would be overlooked in the bigger view, so this is right up my street!

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I love how you worded it, Michele: « The WONDER path is more like a wild, meandering trail you discover by walking ». That’s exactly how it feels for me. Getting outside, especially when the sun is low in the morning or evening, creates a beautiful play of light and shadow that catches my eye. As I stay attentive, I often notice wonderful things emerging from the ordinary. I capture them in photos, but now, I want to slow down and paint.

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I’m really enjoying the quickness and simplicity of the idea, am doing the inches and have them removable but stuck to my big canvas, they look a tiny little bit lost but I love them up there, all hopeful ☺️

I appreciate your very recent comments about how to start, I had forgotten the ‘bigger picture’ here, the idea of finding the lovely things, the noticing. Thank you for reminding me ✨

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I am so inspired and filled with joy by people who share their thoughts and feelings here.

I will be watercolouring my way thru finding joy and moving forward

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